All of a sudden, it seems like Ivy's a toddler, and no longer a baby. She holds herself differently... she participates in conversations... perhaps not with words, but gestures and inflected jabbering. She's taken to wearing her boots a lot and stomps around in them like she's going to a hodown!

We happened to be at Oto's Japanese market last weekend during their food festival, so Ivy got a chance to enjoy Taiko drum music again- for the second weekend in a row! My parents and I took Ivy to the Penryn Budhist Bazaar the previous weekend to enjoy some good food and a bit of culture- poor Brian was slaving away working on the new landscaping in our front yard.

As you can see, her hair is getting a lot longer, and if you are wondering what she's eating, it's a nori snack- seaweed! She loves it!

My mom got her a little gardening kit- so she's been digging in the dirt and "watering" the plants!

She's also pretty excited about blowing bubbles.

She debuted this fantastic outfit this week- and I had to snap some photos in the back yard before we went to work! Auntie Eryn gave her the skirt and top and it's just one of the most adorable things she's ever worn! Throw in some Target sheepskin boots and you've got a model in the making!

Brian's been working very hard on the front yard, and it is really coming together! I can't wait until we get the new fence installed so it is safer for Ivy to play out there-- should be done by mid November!
Just look at that beautiful little super model! she is changing and turning into a toddler so fast! Glad that we've been able to spend time with you all!! Love ya!
Auntie Eryn