Ah, but our girl is fickle... here is Ian's brother Thomas and Ivy's making the moves on him!

Ivy all dressed up in her outift for meeting up with Clara and her mother Katie, friends that live in Anchorage. We took a delightfully wintery walk around the University Lake.

We met Brian in the late afternoon for a coffee at my favorite downtown coffee place and got ready to head to Aleyeska for dinner at the Double Musky.

Ivy got a new dolly, and fell asleep in the car on the way to dinner. I love how she is holding the dolly's hands!

This is Ivy feeding something to Brian. She loves to do that, and he lets her!
Our hotel had a cool fire pit and light decorations outside-- it was fun to play with some setting on my calendar and get some effects!

On the way to the Airport for our trip to Kodiak, we enjoyed lunch at the same Japanese restaurant that we visited last year with Ivy. Ivy ate a ton of food... and successfully negotiated a soup spoon with Miso soup in it. It was adorable and unbelievable!

Ah, we are in Kodiak at last! Ivy and I wore our matching kilts, but it was a bad idea since the metal buckles caused us to be frisked!
Our first night in Kodiak with my cousin, Nahshon and his wife Kim and their son, Finnegan. The tots had matching pajamas last year so I thought it would be fun to repeat that tradition!
We visited a fun coffee shop for some brunch and stocked up on some good cookies!

Ivy and Finn and drinking straw hijinks!
Ivy and Finn got to go to the playground with their respective dads and Kim and I went shopping!
In the late afternoon, we went out for a lovely hike that was mellow enough for the tots to enjoy walking it too. Check out her silver boots!
She really had a great time running down the trail!
Walking with Daddy...
Possibly the most unflattering angle of me I've seen... but a stranger was taking the picture and we had to hurry!
I loved watching Ivy and Finn play together- he's a sweet boy and they were pretty compatible.
We got a chance to visi the annual Kodiak pumpkn sale... 45 minutes after it opened- the pumkin you see next to Ivy is one of two pumpkins left that hadn't been purchased yet. This event is a fund raiser for the 4h-- the pumkins are way cheaper than at Safeway-- everything comes to the island on a barge, a freighter or an airplane... $$$$
Notice the chickens... calmest chickens on the planet! It's too bad Finn got sick and couldn't come with us to the pumkin o rama! Boo!

We took a drive around town for a few more local vittles... shrimp tacos and the most delicious espresso shake I've tasted in my life! Also, I got to take some more pictures!
A little quiet time with Daddy!
Finnegan being silly!

At the airport, we got lucky and ran into another family with a toddler so Burke helped keep Ivy entertained while we waited! He was a sweetie!
Ivy and Finn and drinking straw hijinks!
We took a drive around town for a few more local vittles... shrimp tacos and the most delicious espresso shake I've tasted in my life! Also, I got to take some more pictures!

And just like that, another trip to Kodiak comes to an end. We had a long day home on 3 airplanes and a 4.5 hour layover in Seattle. I have to say that we all appreciated our own beds that night! Ivy was a great traveller again on this trip-- she continues to amaze us with her poise and flexibility! Also, it's fair to note that she continues to cut teeth-- she started 2 molars in Alaska, an this morning there is another tooth coming on the bottom. I'm impressed with her ability to go on about her business with all of that going on!
So, we are in fact leaving for Chicago next Saturday, and from there actually fly to Kentucky for a week to visit family. We won't be back home until the middle of November! Are we crazy or what?
hey! i love this girl. she is so cute.
ReplyDeleteIvy cracks me up!! I love the photo of her reading the safety manual on the plane. She has such a fun personality, I love reading about her adventures.