Sunday, November 22, 2009

Parade Day!

Parade day was so much fun! We had a pretty good turn out- despite a wave of sickness that seems to be going around! It was clear, crisp weather- perfect for an ambiance fire in the fireplace! We had lots of goodies to eat, thanks to everyone bringing lots of tasty treats! Ivy was content to be passed around from lap to lap to enjoy the festivities!

As you can see, she's sitting up really well now. She likes to move from this position to her stomach, and then quickly followed by a flip to her back. Sometimes it looks like she is a contortionist! I guess it won't be too long before she is scooting all over the place! Maybe by Christmas!


  1. That Santa hat is too cute. Looks like a fun Fall day in Northern CA.

  2. Great pictures, Ivy looks like such the character with her sheepish little smile :) SO cute!

    Love all of the Kentucy pics too - did you order the item you were looking for???
