Ok, so here's the first set of pictures from our busy trip to Kentucky! We enjoyed a wonderful visit with Aunt Phoebe at her house (Granny Phoebe to Ivy!). The bacon pictured below is from a big country breakfast we ate together. We certainly didn't need the calories, but it was delish! 

The other food pictured was a Louisville Hot Brown and Derby Pie from the Brown Hotel in downtown Lousiville. I love a good hot brown, and wanted to try one from the source! We went there on Thursday- Brian's parents watched Ivy for us while we had our first "date" since we got Ivy! We had lunch and then toured a forge. Not your normal idea of a date, but hey- it worked for us. It definitely felt strange to be by ourselves. I kept looking in the back seat at the carseat! Brian's parents did well with Ivy, but she did cry a fair amount-- missing us I suppose. Brian's sister, Vonda came over and helped entertain her and got her to go to sleep for a while. We did enjoy our time out on the town though!
We got together with family every day during our time in Lousiville. I love the picture below of Ivy in the center of a circle of admirers.... her first hen party! Ivy enjoyed lots of cuddling from everyone! She was a good sport, as usual and seemed delighted at all of the attention. She slept well each night in her little tent and woke up refreshed.
The next blog entry will cover when we left Lousiville to head into the hills of Southeastern Kentucky!