These are just some fun pictures from June and July:

On her way to work...

Ivy got all dressed up in Jinbei for a street festival at the Fountains.

Swimming lessons started off a little rocky, but ended well with a new ability to go underwater, jump in the pool, blow bubbles and kick! Grandpa is her favorite swim buddy!

Brian was gone on Father's Day, but Ivy and I went to my parents for the afternoon where Ivy got to skip rocks in the creek and learned that if you have one stick and break it in half... You have two!

Grandpa and Ivy

When it finally warmed up this summer, be bought a new kiddie pool- which is lots of fun!

Every Tuesday night we tried to make it to the street fair downtown for a pony ride!

Ivy likes popsicles at Auntie Didi's house!

Grandpa surprised Ivy with a super cute table in the backyard for tea parties!

On the 4th of July, we went to the parade at the park and watched fireworks!

And someone fell asleep on the walk home!

We went to Funderland, a small amusement park in Sacramento- Ivy loves rides!

More horsy rides!

Some cute girls on the porch!
What wonderful's pretty clear that Ivy had a great summer!