This was Ivy on Girl's day last year...

And this is Ivy today!

The same Kimono fit from last year... It was way too big last year, and today it fit great, if a bit long.

Ivy had a great time running around in the back yard, and was really tolerant of the 86 pictures I took in about 30 minutes!

Goofy girl!
Ivy is cutting her 4 eye teeth.... It's rough for her. Her fingers are in her mouth a lot- poor tot! She is talking all the time- loves to talk on the phone- real or imagined- makes no difference. Anything can be a phone- a banana, tv remote, or hair clip! She is very into her babies. Mostly she likes to put them down for naps, and then shhhh everyone because the babies are sleeping! I guess she understands the value of a nap! She is chiming in to conversations now... Talking about our plans for Disneyland in June, she starts saying, "ride ride!!!!!". Driving down the road on the way to lunch- Ivy figures out where we are going and says, "Domo!!!!" for Teriyaki Domo... Our favorite place! She is just so fun to watch! She goes to school at Teacher Pam's every Monday- doing Art, reading, playing... So fun!
We are so ready for spring.... Ready to play outside!
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