Ok, well, these are kind of mixed up and out of order... but rather than starting over and re doing it... it is what it is!

Santa came to our house this year! Here is Ivy's fun loot to discover on Christmas morning! Notice the cat making himself at home!

Christmas morning was fun for Ivy! She truly enjoyed playing with her stuff right away- she's been admiring kitchens for a while now, so I knew that it would be a hit! She got a lot of fake food too- but the stir fry set was her favorite.

Lovely felt fettuccini with marinara sauce that I got from the Etsy website! So delicious!

This lovely picture features Daddy reading to Ivy from a classic book that Ivy got for Christmas from Auntie V!

We finished celebrating Christmas on the 26th over at my parents house-- it was nice to spend the afternoon and evening over there and enjoy a delicous German meal together. Ivy got her own "laptop" from Mema and Grandpa!

I have to say that her favorite present from my parents was the Plasma car. She really loves it! We will leave it over at their house to ride in their nice ride driveway when the weather warms up!

This is Ivy and Daddy at the zoo a couple of days before Christmas!

We haven't been to the zoo since May... she's way more into the critters now and had a great time!

Awww, cute Miya and Ivy had a playdate a couple of weeks before Christmas! Eryn and I dressed them in their matching tutus and leopard print coats!

Here's Ivy all dressed up for her Santa encounter...
And here's the Santa encounter! It did not go well! She wouldn't even get close to Santa to get her present! Oh well, maybe next year.

These pictures are from a fantastic Christmas lights display in Orangevale that we have made a point of visiting with Ivy for her first 2 Christmases! She really enjoys Christmas lights and Christmas music!

Ivy and I travelled to Southern California to visit the Patterson family the weekend before Christmas! Ivy had her ups and downs on the trip== being a toddler-- but all in all was a pretty good tot! Several of these pictures are from "Pretend City" where Ivy and Camden had a grand time! Super cute place for toddlers to have a play date!

Who doesn't like Curious George?

We really enjoyed our stay with the Pattersons! Ivy and Camden are so cute together! Ivy definitely missed Camden after we got home- I know she wishes that we could hang out more often... as do I!
On the trip home, Ivy and I got stranded at the OC airport for a few extra hours- but she did an amazing job of charming our fellow stranded passengers with her singing and dancing... so it wasn't too bad!

When we got home, Christmas was in full swing! Packages on the doorstep, friends and neighbors dropping by with cookies!

Ivy is wearing the amazing tutu that Auntie Jill found for her... I think this one is my favorite!
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