A couple of weeks ago, Ivy had her first zoo experience! She and her friend Mia enjoyed hanging out together!

Such sweet girls!

On Father's Day weekend, we planned to go to the zoo again with Daddy this time, but we
coudn't find parking and decided to go to our own neighborhood park instead. I'm trying to get Ivy into the sand thing.... before we go to Myrtle Beach!

Waving to no one!

She's got an enviable tan already... it's not fair!

We played in her kiddie pool a bit too.

Today, Ivy and I met Kristina and her parents at the zoo,
folowed by lunch at

For $3.00, you can feed the
giraffee.... might try that next time!

There is a baby tiger at the zoo.... one of the cutest creatures I've ever seen! Thank goodness I had the longer lens with me!

Pretty flowers!

Overexposed.... but weren't all of our pictures like this in the 1970's? It has a
vintagey look to it! Some call it a mistake- I'm calling it ART!

Fun times with
Mema and Grandpa tonight at dinner!

This is how Ivy's sleeping these days... It doesn't look too comfortable to me... but whatever!
Well, the tooth is finally visible over her gums. I don't know why I had the feeling that one morning you just discover a tooth in the child's mouth. This tooth has been working it's way microscopically into view for 2 weeks now. Brian didn't even believe me that it was there. At this rate, she'll be in middle school by the time all of her baby teeth appear!
Ivy's been eating pretty well these days and running around the house with the help of her bug wheelie thing or in the yard with her baby stroller or at the office with her shopping cart. I'm convinced that she could walk if she wanted to, but she is ever cautious.
She is blowing kisses to everyone she sees these days, indiscriminately. She will blow kisses to Grandpa or the guy who carries groceries to the car. Her father and I are hoping that a selection process begins to emerge! Ivy also is pretty into "high fives" and we are working on "tens". Well, I'm tired... so that's all I've got to say about that!
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