So we set up the small kiddie pool in the backyard this weekend to properly greet the 97 degree heat! Ivy got to try out 2 of her 4 bathing suits!

I like this one alot- and it's a good thing since we have the next size up too!

In addition to the tiny pool in our backyard, Dianne and I let her play a bit on the top step of my parent's pool on Sunday- she totally enjoyed kicking, splashing and submerging her lower half!

Not at all freaked out by the water-- what a relief!

Ivy kicking back in her high chair to enjoy some pink milk!

Just look at that hair profile!

When Ivy's not hopping in and out of chairs, she's looking for the cats. She just loves to be near them, wave at them, and pet them.

Ivy and Daddy had plenty of bonding time last weekend when I took a 2.5 day photography class. He did an awesome job of taking care of her, as I knew he would. They went to the park, out to lunch, to Home Depot, to Sportsman's Warehouse... etc. I learned a lot of thinks about my camera and about photography in general that will help me take better photos.... hopefully!

Daddy will always pick me up!

A comfy chair and her own library-- what more is needed?

She is learning to use a stool to get into bigger chairs-- seriously, this can kill the better part of an hour....

She loves her musical purse-- espcially the lipstick!

She goes into her room to play with her toys and look at her books-- it is so cute that she likes to be in there. Sometimes she will crawl in there an hide behind the door until I go looking for her-- hide and seek!

So I know that once she is walking- I'll wish she wasn't as mobile-- but I really do look forward to a time when she's not wanting to grub around on every dirty floor that we encounter! We are gearing up for a 2 week trip to the East Cost-- part business trip, part friend and relative visiting- and for Ivy and I- several days at Myrtle Beach! She's never been to the zoo before, but will be going this week for the first time!
Also, on the subject of teeth... there is finally one that has popped up on her bottom gum. When I capture the shy tooth on film, I'll post a picture of it!