Monday, January 4, 2010


So exciting to visit the cabin near Tahoe for the first time with tiny Ivy!

My dad is standing in the picture window, showing Ivy the snow...

There was about 3 inches of snow on the ground, and it snowed about 1/2 an inch 2 times while we were there. This night picture is of the guest house my parents built for us to enjoy when we visit. So nice to have our own space! It is like a bed and breakfast- so beautiful!

We think that Ivy was having a pretty hard time with teething for part of the time we were there... but no teeth to show for it. In spite of obvious teething pain- her true sunny personality always shines through brightly!

I'd say her first snow experience was good! She was all bundled up and we went for a walk together to take some pictures. She didn't say a word, just looked around and seemed to enjoy the view.

The cats ere pretty intrigued with her, but Ivy loves John Galt the best!

This is one of her favorite presents from Christmas-- a bouncy ball!


  1. Looks like a great time in the snow! Ivy looks precious all bundled up :) I ♥ her expression in the bouncy ball picture!

  2. Beautiful pictures! Ivy is so cute! She looks pretty happy for all that snow.

  3. She is TOO cute bundled up in the snow. Seth had obvious teething symptoms and no teeth for SOOOO long (the first one popped through at 8 months). He still only has 3, but one is definitely on its way. I can feel it, but can't see it yet.

    I love what you did with the sticks for her name. How sweet. I love Tahoe. Such a perfect blend--winter without the frigid temperatures. It is so beautiful there. It must be nice to be able to drive there, but then have your home to come back to with no snow.

  4. wow looks like fun! that leopard outfit is too cute!
