Had to put this picture in first.... it was on Halloween, but our neighbor Chris sports a Mohawk frequently! Brian and I are closing in on finishing up the front yard project=- which you will notice has not been photographed yet... I asked Chris if he'd like to entertain Ivy for a while so we could spread mulch. I'm pleased to announce that Ivy and Chris got along great! They took many laps around the house and yard, shared some snacks and played some guitar. It was awesome. I'll post some pictures of the yard when it is done- which should be within the next 2-3 weeks!

Here's Ivy and her Mema getting ready for some Trick or Treating at the Fountains.

Grandpa is sporting his "cowboy look", which is not too far off from his regular every day look!

So here she is in her big giant tutu! I ordered this for her in February to use for her birthday pictures, but when we got it it was gigantic on her. She could actually still fit into her costume from last year- a bumble bee, but I really wanted her to wear this one! It was created for her by a friend who has an Etsy store called AttiTuTude, if anyone wants one!

Walking along, carrying her pumpkin!

Hmmmm.... what should I do here? Hmmmmm....

We had pizza with my parents at our house and then joined up with some friends and neighbors to go trick or treat in the neighborhood. I thouhgt that the tot might tire, so I rigged up a wagon for her to ride in- with a blankie and a battery powered lantern. She enjoyed ridingin style for about 4 houses, until she figured out what the trick or treating was all about... then she wanted to run with the bigger kids! Seriously, she RAN up every driveway and practically elbowed her way to the front of the line! I did have to hold her back, but to be fair- many of the houses that we visited belonged to neighbors that she knows and she loves to visit! She had the best time running around and we had the best time watching her! So fun!

This one was taken more than 1/2 way through the treating, and she was so wound up I was worried about what would happen when we tried to put her to bed! You would think that she was hopped up on sugar, but she didn't have any candy while we were out! Fortunately, she had used up every bit of crazy energy and was asleep in about 2 seconds! Happy Halloween!