It's ridiculous to be blogging about 4
th of July now... but I have to post these cute pictures before I can catch up the rest of the posts! We somehow convinced our friends the
Pattersons to drive a million hours in the car with Camden (6 mo. younger than Ivy) to visit us in the blistering 4
th of July weekend heat. We all had a great time! We started off with a trip to Fairytale town on Friday- where we posed the tots repeatedly!

Here's Ivy looking cool as a cucumber at Fairytale town.

We brought home Ivy's shopping cart for the weekend for her to run around the backyard with. Camden liked it

This picture makes it look like Ivy was enjoying a snooze in her rocking chair, but she was just being silly and playing possum. It was a rare moment of inactivity!

We got Ivy all dressed up in something cute for a fun
bbq party with the
Pattersons and the
Cech's. We had hot dogs and salad and the kids played in our kiddie pool. Jill made delicious Hawaiian donuts that we couldn't stop eating! It was super fun!

This is 4
th of July morning- Camden enjoyed playing with Ivy's cube so much I think he got one when he got home too!

Jill and I posed the tots on the chaise lounge for some pictures, and Ivy true to her boy-crazy self obliged us with some lovey
doveyness! She is very into hugging and kissing lately. She hugs and kisses lots of things and will blow kisses to just about anyone!
We had such a great weekend together that we hope to make it an annual tradition!